November 25th, 20140332This patient has gouty tophi over bilateral first metatarsophalangeal joints. X-ray of the right big toe shows a punched-out lesion involving over the medial aspect of the first metatarsal bone caused by the gouty tophi.
November 25th, 20140195This 75 years old man presented with acute arthritis of the right knee for a few days. X-ray of the right knee joint showed presence of chondrocalcinosis (white arrow). Aspiration of synovial fluid from the knee joint revealed calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. The joint pain was managed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory...
November 25th, 20140259This photo of an elderly woman shows the typical appearance of Heberden's nodes (distal interphalangeal joints) and Bouchard's nodes (proximal interphalangeal joints). These apparent swellings are caused by underlying marginal osteophytes.
November 25th, 20140302This is a set of X-rays from an elderly woman presenting with bilateral mechanical knee pain. It shows the typical osteoarthritic changes namely reduced joint space (both the medial and lateral compartment), subchondral sclerosis, subchondral cysts and marginal osteophytes....
November 24th, 20140186The X-rays shown here are from an elderly woman who presented with mechanical low back pain. She had a prior operation for an osteoporotic fracture of the right hip joint. X-ray of the lumbar spine (AP and lateral) showed osteoporotic collapse of L1. Her pain was managed with panadol, tramadol and a 2-week course of intranasal...
November 24th, 20140165The images shown here are from a 75 years old man who was incidentally noted to have asymptomatic hypercalcemia (adjusted calcium level of 2.66 mmol/L and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) of 245 U/L). Heat stable ALP fraction was 0.15 (< 0.2 suggestive of bone origin). Parathyroid hormone was suppressed. Skeletal survey showed the following...
November 24th, 20140172The images shown here are from a 75 years old man who was incidentally noted to have asymptomatic hypercalcemia (adjusted calcium level of 2.66 mmol/L and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) of 245 U/L). Heat stable ALP fraction was 0.15 (< 0.2 suggestive of bone origin). Parathyroid hormone was suppressed. Skeletal survey showed the following...
November 24th, 20140203This set of clinical photos from a 90 year old bedbound lady with diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and advanced vascular dementia shows the presence of an unstageable right ankle bed sore. There is a blackish eschar covering the wound base with adjacent erythema of the skin. Pus was expressed from the wound margin when pressure was...
November 24th, 20140309This elderly man has advanced Alzheimer's disease. The photo shows presence of yellowish greasy scaling over the forehead and the scalp. This patient was diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis. This is a chronic inflammatory papulo-squamous disease and has been proposed to be due to yeast Pityrosporum. The patient was managed with...
November 24th, 20140265This photo is from an elderly man with advanced Alzheimer's disease who currently lives in an old age home, is bed-bound and requires tube feeding via a Ryle's tube. He was incidentally noted to have diffuse skin crusting. Physical examination showed thick crusts over bilateral feet (especially over the toe webs), trunk, axilla and over...
November 24th, 20140259This elderly man developed multiple bullae over both legs. There were in addition, multiple bullae over the arms and trunk. Skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid and blood tests confirmed the presence of anti-skin antibodies. He was managed with topical clobetasol ointment, doxycycline and a tapering course of oral...