November 28th, 20140197This is a "Rugger-jersey spine", present in patients with severe secondary hyperparathyroidism. The alternating sclerotic vertebral end-plates and the radiolucent centers of the vertebral body produce an appearance similar to an English rugby sweater. This radiograph also shows dense calcifications along the aorta. Extra-skeletal...
November 28th, 20140240This is an X-ray of the hands from a patient with severe hyperparathyroidism. There is sub-periosteal resorption (white arrow) of the phalanx and severe tuft resorption.
November 28th, 20140260This is a form of ischemic vasculopathy confined to patients with renal failure. It is caused by abnormal deposition of calcium in blood vessels and soft tissue, subsequently leading to ischemic necrosis of the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Clinically, they present with purpuric plaques and nodules which progress to necrotic ulcers....